Friday, March 09, 2012

Pineapple Costume

I will never forget this project. We (my hubby & I) came out with this idea at a very last minute. It happened when my son told us that he and all his classmate were required by their English teacher to create any fruit costume that can be worn for their English week drama.

The worst part was...he only told us at 10pm!!!! And he needs to bring the costume the next morning! Arghhh..!!

Luckily I have all the art stuff at home and both of us (me & hubby) are from the arts background. So, we had a crazy short discussion in tense of course...hihihi... At last, this is what we did within 1 1/2 hours with helps from my mom and my daughter.

We only used the recycle box and construction colour paper. The folding part that make it looks real like a real pineapple.

You know what happened when my son brought the pineapple costume to school? His costume had won the best costume and his teacher asked for permission to keep it in school. Teachers were very impressed with the artwork. Not bad huh..?? We didn't believe it too...


  1. Hi - can anyone tell me how to make the origami squares required for this costume? thanks

  2. Actually, I have just worked it out - doh!

  3. Please teach me how to do it. Thanks.

  4. Please I need to make a pineapple costume too - how did you make the origami squares

  5. Loved the simple idea of using the origami squares to make the beautiful pop-up pineapple! My kid wore it to his playgroup for yellow day and was a hit!

  6. Lovely Idea, very simple and elegant. Can you please also explain how you made the crown?

  7. can u please help me to how to make origami squares????

  8. Hi... Can you please tell me the method of making origami squares. Really need help urgently

  9. Can you please tell me how you make squares ??/ Please tell me its urgent. Thanks in Advance.

  10. Thank you for your post. It gave inspiration for my daughters pineapple costume I made this year for Halloween!!
